Returning to outdoor recreation comes with risk to our little ‘peeps’

April has sprung, bringing events like:• National-Public Health-Week (4/4-4/10)• National-Playground-Safety-Week (4/25-4/29),• Every-Kid-Healthy Week(4/25-4/29).

With the return of pleasant sunshine and warm sunny days, our zeal for spending more time outside and active can be felt in our hearts, and undoubtedly in ouryounger ‘peeps.’ However, returning to outdoor recreation comes with the risk of possible accidents and injuries due to the activeness of our children. This month we strongly encourage you to remember that caring for the health of our little ‘peeps’ is critical for keeping and maintaining their mobility as the years go by. It is better to grow healthier kids than to fix damaged adults. Let us give them the healthy active life they deserve.

In a study conducted by researcher Francis W. Smith (2006), MRI scans of 154 (asymptomatic) 10-year-old ‘peeps’showed that 9% had some form of vertebral disk abnormality. Every case appeared to have no correlation to genetics or biological-defects, but rather could be tied to some sort of physical trauma that the child had experienced within the first 10 years of life. Yes, 9% doesn’t seem like that large of a number, but when the future health of our ‘peeps’ is in question, airing on the side of caution, versus hopeful assumption, is always the wiser action.

So don’t forget your ‘peeps’, and remember, THEY have a Spine + Nervous System too.Chiropractic care is just as good for kids, as it is for you!

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